アーティスト:尾﨑藍 / 鐘ヶ江歓一 / 砂川啓介 / 藤城光 / メランカオリ / 渡邊拓也
主催:NPO法人アーツイニシアティヴトウキョウ [AIT / エイト]、文化庁
Early Morning Musings
January, 13 – 27, 2018
Venue:Komagome SOKO
Artists:Ai Ozaki / Kanichi Kanegae / Keisuke Sunakawa / Hikari Fujishiro / Melan Kaori / Takuya Watanabe
Organized by:Arts Initiative Tokyo [AIT], Agency of Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
Early Morning Musings
In the process of making this exhibition comprising the work of fledgling artists, I recalled a scene from the short story David by J. M. G. Le Clézio. It must have been during my days as a student that I first read it. I don’t remember the details of the story, but if memory serves correctly, it goes like this: Following his older brother who ran away from home several days earlier, young David leaves home at dawn while his mother is still asleep and journeys to what would appear to him as a vast, unknown city in an adventure strongly reminiscent of David’s confrontation with the giant Goliath in the Old Testament.
Bidding farewell to his familiar world and filled with conviction, David goes in pursuit of something of great significance as if guided by some invisible force, and comes to learn the workings of the world. It was so suspenseful that I remember feeling breathless as I read it. Fragile yet full of courage, his character somehow seemed to mirror that of the young artists included in this exhibition. I couldn’t help thinking that their act of stepping forward despite an uncertain future conveys a certain message today. People have come to view the world as something built from or optimized by big data (is there even now a world outside big data?), and seem to live according to a calendar established for the spectacular event happening in 2020—the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. In such an age, it seems that nothing is unpredictable and everything is controlled. If artists do not bear the burden of confronting uncertainty that is disappearing from the world, then who will?
As I idly wondered about the points where David’s story and the current social situation in Japan intersect, I could not help conceiving these six young artists as figures launching themselves into the world and stumbling upon things unknown. Inspired by the behavior and actions of animals, including that of her own pet parakeet, Ai Ozaki tries to express a world constructed through nonverbal communication. Using chance occurrences in the orderly urban space, Kanichi Kanegae attempts to resist forces that try to maintain order. Keisuke Sunakawa finds stories about his family and relatives from things left behind by his mother, who went missing last year, using them to explore fading memories they have of each other. Hikari Fujishiro expresses the seven-year period since March 11, 2011 through the stories of two people who experienced the Tohoku disaster at different locations. Melan Kaori likens her fortune-telling activities and last year’s encounter between Capricorn, her zodiac sign, and Saturn—the first in 30 years—to professional wrestling. Takuya Watanabe confronts the changes in the relationship between his friend’s brothers who live in an apartment in a Tokyo suburb, through the older brother’s act of tracing onto his body the marks left by the younger brother in the apartment room.
Each of these artists attempts to look at the world from their own frames of reference. Their perspectives cannot be reduced merely to the desires and information of anonymous people beneath the veil of big data and immense spectacle that is gradually enveloping our world. Or rather, they sense signs that our perceptions of the world cloaked in this way are about to undergo dramatic changes. The artists achieve this by leaving their studios, meeting people, listening to their stories, reading their faces, and discerning the fever of today’s era to delineate a world that is uncertain and perpetually fluctuating. Their attempts may only assume a subtle form, or cause a powerful shock among viewers. Moreover, the work presented comprises only the first phase of these artists’ journeys, and their stories will likely unfold through many more chapters still to come.
Whether or not David ends up meeting his older brother is not important. The very act of turning one’s back on what is familiar, traveling to a world unknown, and gaining a sense of how the world is changing will come to reveal things of great significance that are being overlooked today. All we can do is closely watch these artists’ every step.
Keisuke Ozawa (Director, art to / Independent curator)