タイトル:十和田奥入瀬芸術祭 SURVIVE この惑星の時間旅行へ
場所:十和田市現代美術館、旧笠石家住宅、水産保養所、奥入瀬インフォメーションhakocco.、渓流の駅おいらせ、星野リゾート 奥入瀬渓流ホテル、奥入瀬渓流館、十和田湖遊覧船子ノ口案内所、十和田湖遊覧船内
アーティスト:石田千/ 梅田哲也 / 岡本太郎 / ラグナル・キャルタンソン / マーカス・コーツ / 小林エリカ / コンタクトゴンゾ / 志賀理江子 / 柴田健治 / 志村信裕 / 管啓次郎 / 高山明(Port B) / 武田慎平 / 奈良美智 / 畠山直哉 / mamoru / 宮永愛子 / 山本修路
Towada Oirase Art Festival SURVIVE-Time Hoppers on the Earth
September 21 – November 23, 2013
Venue:Towada Art Center, Former Kasaishi Residence (Important Cultural Property), Fisheries rest house (Former Touji no yado Oirase), Oirase Information Hakocco., Oirase Strsamseide station, Hoshino Resort Oirase Keiryu Hotel, Oirase Stream Museum, Towada Lake excursion boat (Nenokuchi and Yasumiya), etc.
Artists:Sen Ishida, Tetsuya Umeda, Taro Okamoto, Seiji Ono, Ragnar Kjartansson, Marcus Coates, Erika Kobayashi, contact Gonzo, Lieko Shiga, Kenji Shibata, Nobuhiro Shimura, Keijiro Suga, Akira Takayama (Port B), Shimpei Takeda, Yoshitomo Nara, mamoru, Aiko Miyanaga, Shuji Yamamoto
Organized by:Towada Oirase Art Festival 2013 Executive Committee
森一郎、ハルトムート・ブㇷナー訳、『ハイデッガー全集第79巻 ブレーメン講演とフライブルク講演』、創文社、2003年
Time hoppers on the Earth
Two and a half years after the great earthquake of March 11, 2011 and the subsequent disasters, this art festival took place on this land, home to the rich nature of the Hakkōda Mountains, Lake Towada, and the Oirase mountain stream. What emerged out of the bonds between the era and the land were various notions of “time”. That earthquake, which surpassed human understanding to manifest the workings of time on a planetary scale, drove a wedge into modernity that humans have built over more than 200 years, causing a rupture that forced its temporary suspension.
The era in which we are living can, if we speak plainly, be said to be a great age assuming the guise of a world for humans built autonomously by humans. The German philosopher Martin Heidegger referred to this as a “commandeered” world in which everything has been requisitioned. As the modern age drew near, people naturally began to push forward, giving rise to a chain of drives or “commands”. Mountains were “commandeered” to gather minerals, minerals were “commandeered” to gather uranium, uranium was “commandeered” to gain heat, heat was “commandeered” to promote industry and build cities, cities and industry “commandeered” human beings, and human beings further “commandeered” nature. As such a cycle repeatedly unfolded, the contained world of humans was shaped, and at the same time it became disconnected from nature in its raw state. No longer a thing untouched, nature became a useful target – a resource – for the creation of the human world. In this way, the world was humanized, and even the flow of time began to conform to its rhythm. With the establishment of standard time in the second half of the 19th century, and as the world became more divided, time once unified began to move in increments. A colossal ghost, whose appearance was ungraspable, began to move without clearly designating who was responsible, spreading its limbs to all corners of this planet while seeking greater heat from firewood to coal, and from coal to oil. And in the past few decades, its momentum has been accelerating.
The area of Towada-Oirase and the neighboring lands have also been swept by the “commandeering” wave of modernization. As you travel toward Lake Towada from the city limits where the art museum is situated, there are plantations of coniferous forests grown on land cleared by the government soon after the war. Hills and fields become targets for requisitioning as building materials and sources of heat, while the national park adjacent to it is protected as if keeping its advance in check. In addition, upon inspection of the Shimokita Peninsula, one learns that it is an area that has been the target of large-scale development since the end of the 1960s, swallowed by the politics and economic activities surrounding its use as a base for petroleum, the re-use of nuclear energy, wind and solar power. It also boosted the tourism industry, being “commandeered” for its scenic spots and hot springs. During the post-war period of high economic growth, the lakeside of Lake Towada and Mt. Hakkōda, together with the hot springs at the mouth of the Oirase mountain stream in the Yakeyama district were destinations for company leisure trips, but can hardly be heard today in people’s conversations. In this way, this land clearly tells of the transition from manufacturing towards service as the industrial structure of this country underwent transformation after the war, from which point the story forks to take various routes. At one end Towada Art Center was built to attract new tourists, while at another end the hot spring area forced to close due to a deficit has been abandoned at the lakeside among virgin forests.
It was at this extremity of modernity that the earthquake occurred. The fickle workings of this planet caused a rift in the modern age that had come to “commandeer” us. What this rupture made known to us was the extraordinary periods of time at work in the dramatic movement of the earth’s crust every thousand years, the modern age of approximately 200 years that this shook, and the several tens of thousand years of radioactivity unleashed at the tip of this era of modernity. And in this region, one can sense the several hundreds of thousands of years through which the mountains of Hakkōda and Lake Towada, the mountain streams, and the fields in which horses gallop have been formed. In actuality, this planet has different facets of time intermingling with one another, and while tied together they appear to be in a mutual state of tension. When the shell containing the closed world of humans is torn, left at the mercy of the trembling earth, people cling to the gait of modernity in bewilderment, and while drawn into that great fold of time they also spin an intimate story, once again reflecting on their existence on this planet as they contemplate a time unimaginable. Such increments of time, piercing here and there the shores of modernity, also emerged within the spaces that constituted this art festival.
This festival of “time” was held at several venues in a vast area throughout the region, from Towada Art Center to a disused hotel named “Suisan-Hoyojo” (fisheries rest house), and multiple venues within the vicinity of Lake Towada. However, I want to note here that the artworks not only “represented” the qualities of different facets of “time”, they attempted to form a relationship with what is deemed to exist beyond the modern institutional notion of time, to which “art festivals” belong, through a synchronization with the workings of the planet. This was a reflection brought about while literally giving a firsthand experience of “time” different from the one we have blindly come to trust. Perhaps this experimental trial emerged as something taking a different form to art with which we are familiar. However, at the same time I have a feeling that the contents of this trial should be considered at present in this locality, while at the same time illuminating a possibility for art that has been neglected through modernity.
The oil paintings of Kenji Shibata, whose surfaces painted with subtle tones and thinly applied paint perpetually change their expression according to the condition of light, were exhibited in locations penetrated by sunlight throughout the museum. One of the paintings was also displayed outside. The colors were transformed as time moved from morning to day to night, accompanied by the cycle of the seasons, and the changing weather conditions. One might not notice by simply glancing, but most importantly they revealed the passage of days when clouds blown by strong winds interrupted the sunlight.
If we consider museums of art taking the Louvre Museum as our model, they are a product of modernity representing nations and communities, founded on the Judeo-Christian premise of time directed unequivocally toward the future without any possibility of going back. Not permitted to fade into obscurity, the lifespan of the art they house is prolonged, forming a part of that community and stitched into its history. Today, this is what constitutes the things we are accustomed to calling art. When Heidegger discussed modernity, he stated that all things are “set forth”. This refers to the appropriation of things in order for humans to construct a world of their own making, to which “history”, in describing a viewpoint on the world for the purpose of grasping it, also belongs. Museums are undoubtedly modern devices, “setting forth” the consciousness and cornerstones of communities by placing them within a historical context, building decent members of its societies by “commandeering” human beings. Towada Art Center, which does not collect works of art, may resemble an offshoot of such museums, but it amounts to nothing more than a change in the quality and target of “commandeering,” evolving out of enlightened education that places an emphasis on the pursuit of profits from tourism and entertainment in the era of Neoliberalism. In what way will such museums, which record the humanized time of modernity, be able to relate to time in its natural state, or rather, to time that has the same quality as that of the workings of this planet? One of the experiments in this art festival was to place the paintings of Shibata under the sun and, while releasing them from the ossified relationship between museums and painting, return them to the real world to induce transformation itself at every moment. This bore a tiny hole in modern thought that supports museums of art, a modest act informing us of what exists on the other side.
Assuming a different form, such ideas came to resonate in the Suisan-Hoyojo building. I believe the manner in which Tetsuya Umeda, contact Gonzo, and Lieko Shiga approached the disused hotel, which was originally opened as “Kaikouen” by the Hachinohe Fisheries Labor Welfare Business Association in 1973 before closing down a few years ago, can be considered a means of returning the building itself to the natural processes of the planet. Rather than newly reconstructing the site as an exhibition space in the same manner as a museum to display work brought to the venue, they decided on an unadorned work that, while slowly cooling the heat from the period of rapid economic growth, left a lingering trace of its former role as a destination for tourists and workers on company trips. Water carried from the stream climbing down the mountains behind to the roof of the building fell here and there onto its exterior, and into the interior. In addition, windows were thrown open and the walls demolished to allow wind to enter. In one of the rooms, small hole made in the ceiling and floor were pierced by a wire from the roof, and upon peeking through the hole in the floor one saw suspended earthen pipes attempting to reach the ground. Together with this planet’s gravity, sunlight, wind and the moisture rising from the Oirase mountain stream, it embraced insects and seeds of plants. The process of undoing what was “set forth” by modern industry took place over approximately two months, and as people came to stand in a site that could also be considered ritualistic, it clenched a moment, a day, a season and the passage of an era. As a means of working against that which has “set forth”, art invites us to tie a knot between an age aspiring to development and the workings of nature that continue in a cycle of decay and renewal, bringing us to witness the colossal ghost as it falls asleep.
The time that reverberates through this art festival brought into relief the expression of various facets of “time” that lie between modernity controlled and created by humankind and the natural processes of this planet, while at times sharing in those time spaces, bringing us to speculate about the notions of “time” we used to trust, or still trust, or will come to trust. We are on a journey hopping from one sense of time to another. Perhaps this is what living means. In this land sandwiched between Rokkasho Village and Towada Oirase, it could be time for us to reconsider thoughts and gestures in order to choose by which sense of time we live our lives.
Keisuke Ozawa (Curator, Towada Oirase Art Festival)
Hartmut Buchner and Ichiro Mori translation, “The Complete Works of Heidegger Volume 79, Bremen and Freiburg Lectures”, Sobunsha 2003.
Hisatake Kato, “Heidegger no gijyutsuron”, Risosha 2009.
Shunya Yoshimi, “Postwar Society”, Iwanami Shoten, 2009.